
Archive for the ‘URGENT’ Category

Time for Action

Rep. Timm Ormsby, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee,  announced at the beginning of this afternoon’s hearing the Committee would not be hearing any other bills not yet scheduled before the legislative cut-off.  If he holds to that SSB 5354 and many other bills with wide legislative support will die. These are bills that members want to hear and that are funded in the Senate budget, including SSB 5354  We need EVERYONE to put pressure on all Appropriations members.  We also need legislators to get to Rep. Ormsby to ask him for a hearing.

Suggested talking points:

  • Legislators have required school districts to ensure equitable access to highly capable services
  • There are currently too many artificial barriers to access
  • SSB 5354 HELPS schools utilize best practices to evaluate students.  It improves highly capable programs through professional development
  • SSB 5354 has received strong bipartisan support, including unanimous support on the Senate floor and in the House Education Committee
  • School districts need help and students need to have an appropriate education

We’ve previously received messages of support from these members on the House Appropriations Committee:

Rep. Steve Bergquist
Rep. Michelle Caldier
Rep. Laurie Dolan – Vice Chair on Education
Rep. Zack Hudgins
Rep. Vicki Kraft
Rep. Tana Senn
Rep. Mike Steele – Ranking Republican on Education
Rep. Pat Sullivan
Rep. Gael Tarleton

We need you to contact them all again RIGHT NOW and urge them to ask Rep. Ormsby for a hearing. Their email addresses follow:

steve.Bergquist@leg.wa.gov, michelle.Caldier@leg.wa.gov, laurie.Dolan@leg.wa.gov, zack.hudgins@leg.wa.gov, vicki.Kraft@leg.wa.gov, tana.Senn@leg.wa.gov, mike.Steele@leg.wa.gov, pat.sullivan@leg.wa.gov, gael.tarleton@leg.wa.gov

The members of the House Education Committee members should also be contacted and urged to ask Rep. Ormsby for a hearing. Their email addresses follow:

SharonTomiko.Santos@leg.wa.gov, laurie.Dolan@leg.wa.gov, dave.Paul@leg.wa.gov, mike.steele@leg.wa.gov, bob.McCaslin@leg.wa.gov, mike.Volz@leg.wa.gov, steve.Bergquist@leg.wa.gov, michelle.Caldier@leg.wa.gov, lisa.Callan@leg.wa.gov, chris.Corry@leg.wa.gov, paul.Harris@leg.wa.gov, christine.Kilduff@leg.wa.gov, vicki.Kraft@leg.wa.gov, lillian.Ortiz-Self@leg.wa.gov, skyler.Rude@leg.wa.gov, monica.Stonier@leg.wa.gov, My-Linh.Thai@leg.wa.gov, javier.Valdez@leg.wa.gov, alex.Ybarra@leg.wa.gov

It only takes a minute, but without your action RIGHT NOW, there will be no tomorrow for SSB 5354.

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SSB 5354 passed out of the House Education Committee and now moves to the House Appropriations Committee.  That puts the bill one critical step closer to final passage. Unfortunately, the bill was amended by the House Education Committee and no longer contains the language requiring universal screening. We fear that without the universal screening requirement, when OSPI creates the report on equity that SSB 5354 requires it will point out that the districts who chose to adopt universal screening did better on addressing their issues than those districts who did not. There’s no need to delay this requirement. We know what the results will be.

What follows is the letter we sent to the House Appropriations Committee requesting that they schedule a hearing for SSB 5354 as soon as possible. If you’ve not yet shared your support for SSB 5354, please follow this link and choose the option to comment on this bill.


Members of the House Appropriations Committee:

SSB 5354: Concerning Programs for Highly Capable Students makes several targeted adjustments to existing law to correct problems that make Washington’s current highly capable program inequitable. As amended in the House Education Committee, perhaps the most important of those adjustments has been removed. Removal of universal screening will perpetuate existing inequities in the highly capable identification process and stands in direct opposition to the recommendations of scores of experts in the field. I urge you to schedule a hearing on SSB 5354 as soon as possible, and further that you restore the language requiring universal screening.

In recent years, Washington State has taken tremendous strides towards making access to highly capable services more equitable. Highly capable services are now recognized as basic education and are funded in the prototypical school model. Last year, the legislature explicitly required districts to prioritize the identification of low-income students but gave no direction on how best to achieve that goal.

The changes made by SSB 5354 reflect a comprehensive set of reforms that provide evidence-based guidance in support of increasing equity in our state’s highly capable programs. As passed unanimously by the Senate, SSB 5354 would also have required districts to adopt universal screening to ensure no student slips through cracks in the system.

The existing referral system misses too many students. This is not just a Washington state problem. It is a national concern. The research on this is clear.

The use of the nomination stage as the first step in the identification process is pervasive across the field of gifted education….In nearly all conditions, identification systems that require a nomination before testing result in a large proportion of gifted students being missed. Under commonly implemented conditions, the nomination stage can cause the false negative rate to easily exceed 60%. Changes to identification practices are urgently needed in order to ensure that larger numbers of gifted students receive appropriate educational placement and to maintain the integrity of gifted education services.[i]

Evidence that supports the use of universal screening in addressing issues of equity in gifted education programs is abundant. One study found that:

Without any changes in the standards for gifted eligibility, the [universal] screening program led to large increases in the fractions of economically disadvantaged and minority students placed in gifted programs. Comparisons of the newly identified gifted students with those who would have been placed in the absence of screening show that Blacks and Hispanics, free/reduced price lunch participants, English language learners, and girls were all systematically “underreferred” in the traditional parent/teacher referral system. Our findings suggest that parents and teachers often fail to recognize the potential of poor and minority students and those with limited English proficiency.[ii]

Recommendations on how to correct the existing identification system are equally clear:

  • Nominate and assess a larger number of students: Whatever the process is to determine eligibility, if you want to miss fewer students, formally evaluate as many as possible.[iii]
  • Adopt a policy of universal screening of all students in one or more grade levels for the identification process. Select assessment instruments that are culturally sensitive and account for language differences.[iv]

Our goal isn’t just to identify more students. Our goal is to provide students who are being systematically excluded from consideration for gifted programs with the education they need. As the Fordham Institute wrote in its report, “Is there a Gifted Gap?:”

Increasing the participation of qualified yet underrepresented students in gifted programming in elementary and middle schools would change the trajectories of these children and gradually lessen social and economic inequality.[v]

Their recommendation for how to close the gifted gap:

First, schools should employ universal screening practices to determine which children may benefit from gifted services. Such practices have been shown to boost participation of minority students and can be implemented at low cost….[vi]

It makes sense that we have staff at OSPI to help districts as they design and adjust their programs to make access more equitable. It makes sense to have staff at OSPI who can report what districts are doing in a timely fashion so we can build on what works, and change what doesn’t. It makes sense to have trained administrators and trained staff making the decisions about what needs to happen in their district. It makes sense that the people actually making decisions on placement for students have training on the characteristics of giftedness and the services that benefit these students. It makes sense to look at a broad pool of potential students, and to stop relying on a referral system that excludes some students for reasons other than need. It makes sense that we take down artificial barriers to participation, whether those barriers are thrown up during the referral and assessment process, or once a student is identified.

To exclude any of these reforms risks perpetuating a point of failure. The removal of universal screening from SSB 5354 risks creating a gifted gap sized hole in our highly capable program. Together, these adjustments will make access to highly capable services more equitable. We hope we can count on you to help us ensure every student who needs highly capable services is identified and served with the education they need. I urge you to schedule a hearing on SSB 5354 as soon as possible, and further that you restore the language requiring universal screening.


David Berg
Washington Coalition for Gifted Education

[i]   McBee, Matthew T., et al. “The Impact of the Nomination Stage on Gifted Program Identification: A Comprehensive Psychometric Analysis.” Gifted Child Quarterly, vol. 60, no. 4, Oct. 2016, pp. 258–278, doi:10.1177/0016986216656256.

[ii] Card, David, and Laura Giuliano. “Universal Screening Increases the Representation of Low-Income and Minority Students in Gifted Education.” PNAS, National Academy of Sciences, 29 Nov. 2016, http://www.pnas.org/content/113/48/13678.full.

[iii] Peters, Scott J., et al. “Who Gets Served in Gifted Education? Demographic Representation and a Call for Action.” Gifted Child Quarterly, Mar. 2019, doi:10.1177/0016986219833738.

[iv] Gubbins, E. J., Siegle, D., Hamilton, R., Peters, P., Carpenter, A. Y., O’Rourke, P., . . . EsteparGarcia, W. (2018, June). Exploratory study on the identification of English learners for gifted and talented programs. Storrs: University of Connecticut, National Center for Research on Gifted Education.

[v] “Is There a Gifted Gap? Gifted Education in High-Poverty Schools.” The Thomas B. Fordham Institute, fordhaminstitute.org/national/research/there-gifted-gap-gifted-education-high-poverty-schools.

[vi] Ibid.

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We’re proud to announce that SSB 5354 passed the Senate unanimously, getting a 49-0 vote on the Senate Floor. It is now before the House, where it will receive a hearing in the House Education Committee Monday afternoon, March 25th, at 1:30pm. That will be followed by executive session in the House Education Committee, now scheduled for 8:00am on March 28th. Should it pass out of the House Education Committee, it will advance to the House Appropriations Committee. In other words, the same process we just went through in the Senate.

Recall that companion bill HB 1641 was heard in the House Education Committee and received a unanimous Do Pass Recommendation in February. However, it failed to receive a hearing in the House Appropriations committee, so died. SSB 5354 is very much alive!

SSB 5354 was amended while in the Senate so no longer is identical to HB 1641. We need to strongly support the substitute bill which passed the Senate as, in many ways, it is a much stronger bill than the original. A comparison of the two bills is linked here.

The deadline for the Appropriations Committee is April 9. The last date to pass the floor is April 17.

SO-two things to do.

1 – The House Education Committee

We urge you to contact the entire Education Committee right after reading this email to urge them to support SSB 5354. Just copy and paste the entire address block below and send an email to the committee in only one effort. Remind them that they voted unanimously for companion bill HB 1641; SSB 5354 has only a few changes that enhance the core idea of equity. Please also ask them to recommend to Rep. Ormsby that funding be provided in the budget.

SharonTomiko.Santos@leg.wa.gov, laurie.Dolan@leg.wa.gov, dave.Paul@leg.wa.gov, mike.steele@leg.wa.gov, bob.McCaslin@leg.wa.gov, mike.Volz@leg.wa.gov, steve.Bergquist@leg.wa.gov, michelle.Caldier@leg.wa.gov, lisa.Callan@leg.wa.gov, chris.Corry@leg.wa.gov, paul.Harris@leg.wa.gov, christine.Kilduff@leg.wa.gov, vicki.Kraft@leg.wa.gov, lillian.Ortiz-Self@leg.wa.gov, skyler.Rude@leg.wa.gov, monica.Stonier@leg.wa.gov, My-Linh.Thai@leg.wa.gov, javier.Valdez@leg.wa.gov, alex.Ybarra@leg.wa.gov

2 – Your Own Representatives

Contact your Representatives if they are not on the above list. If you already know who your two Representatives are and have their contact information, please contact them as soon as possible and ask them to support SSB 5354.

If you haven’t contacted your legislators before, just follow the steps in the linked PDF: Contacting Your Legislators.

Whichever path you follow, be sure to contact your Representatives as soon as possible.

Thank you for making this effort for our Highly Capable Students!

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SSB 5354 has passed out of the Senate Way & Means committee and has been sent on to the Rules Committee. Once received by the Rules committee, it is eligible for consideration. Since the bill received a unanimous vote in Ways & Means it is possible that it may be considered for the consent calendar as early as this week and sent to the floor for debate and a vote.

Please contact your Senator NOW and request his/her support for SSB 5354.

What do you want to say to your Senator? You could ask them to contact members of the Rules committee and request expeditious scheduling of SSB 5354. Or you could just express your support for SSB 5354 and ask for a yes vote on the floor. Or both. Or something else. Your choice.

There are a number of ways you can do this.

1. Use the comment on this bill option on the bill page and send only to your Senator. You don’t need to know who that is to use this as the system will tell you his/her name. Use the comment box to ask for support for SSB 5354.

2. Use the Legislative Hot Line. You need to know who your Senator is to do this. If you don’t, see 4 below. Prepare your message in advance and read it to the operator.


From the Legislative web site:

Toll-Free Hotline
Do you want to send a message to your Senator? Call our HOTLINE at 1-800-562-6000 (TTY for Hearing Impaired 800.833.6388). Callers to the Hotline can leave a brief message for their district legislators on issues of concern or on questions they may have about bills or laws. These messages are forwarded electronically to the appropriate individuals. When leaving a message with the Hotline, please be prepared to give your name and street address. For non-English speaking callers we offer interpreter services for many languages.

During the Legislative session, the Hotline is open from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

3. If you already have your Senator in your email contact book, send an email with SSB 5354 in the subject line and ask for support.

4. Know who your Senator is but don’t have the email address? Use the Legislative web site to find your Senator and then click on Email to send one through this site.

Don’t know who your Senator is? Go to the District Finder and enter your information. A white message bubble will appear on the map. Click on your Senator’s name and it will take you to the Senate listing (see above paragraph) where you can send an email.

5. Although Legislators prefer email, you can also write a letter and mail it. Mail addresses can be found using the site in item 4 above.

6. If you have a close relationship with your Senator, you can always call his/her office directly. Phone numbers available at the Senate site in 4 above.

Whatever method you use, please contact your Senator as soon as possible. The deadline for getting this bill passed in the Senate and on to the House is March 13th.
It is imperative that contact with individual Senators be made as soon as possible.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

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We have two (companion) bills on highly capable programs before the Legislature. SB 5354 and HB 1641:  Concerning Programs for Highly Capable Students. You can read the bill in its entirety here.

Getting a bill introduced is only the first step. 

Bills must get a public hearing in the policy committee(s) before the cut off date. Sometimes this is difficult to do. Over 1100 bills have already been filed this session with more to come and there will not be time to hear them all.

We want to be sure our bills get an early hearing in both the House Education Committee (HB 1641) and the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee (SB 5354). We ask your help in getting a hearing scheduled.

Below is a list of the members of the House and Senate education committees. If any legislator listed for either committee is yours, PLEASE email or use the hotline 1.800.562.6000 and request that they ask the committee chair to schedule an early hearing date. Be sure to give the appropriate bill number.

Not sure of your district or legislators? Go to https://app.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/

h_s education committees contact list.numbers

Please take this first step within the next 72 hours. Sooner is better than later.

There will be subsequent opportunities to advocate for these bills including one we’ll be sending out next week, but this is the first and most important. Without a hearing, the bills are dead and we’ll have to start all over again next year.

Thank you for taking this important step for our highly capable students!

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We did it! We have a HiCap bill in the Senate mandating universal screening and other more equitable identification practices! You can follow the progress of SB 6508 on the website of the Washington State Legislature. Through that link,  you can comment on the bill, sign up to get email notifications or an RSS notification.


We need a MOUNTAIN of advocates across the state to have any chance of getting this bill passed.

There are lots of ways you can help advocate: come to the bill hearing (we’ll send out a notice of date and time), to Gifted Ed Day, February 8th, to PTA Focus Day, January 29th, email your legislator, etc.

Sign up to help here: https://tinyurl.com/support6508

This survey has a wealth of information and opportunities for you. You don’t have to be able to make it to Olympia to help. Please have a look to see how you can help.

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We’re still digesting the Senate Republican budget that was released an hour ago, but initially we have many more questions than answers.

In 2018, funding for gifted education remains essentially unchanged. Since districts will now be prohibited from using local levy funds to cover costs of basic education, by our most conservative estimate that represents a cut of about $7 million from what was spent in the 2015-1016 school year.

In 2019, funding for gifted education is “doubled” (total state funding is doubled, but the total amount of state and local dollars combined that were spent in 15-16 is not doubled). Here’s where it gets tricky. The budget says that districts will receive $1K per highly capable student, and allocates a total of $22 million. That works out to 22K students funded – based on current enrollment and their actual formula in statute, it should actually be 25,530 students funded, which would mean less than $1K per student.

In 2015-2016, over 63.5K students received highly capable services, an increase of 8K+ more students than had been served in 2014-2015, and expanding and maturing gifted programs across the state could result in another increase for the current school year.

A formula that funds 22K students, when more than 61K students are identified and served is not ample, and the services that $22 million will provide will not be equitable.

Providing the professional development necessary to build teacher capacity in the identification and service of gifted students costs money. Making changes to our referral and identification processes costs money. Providing services to those students costs money.

If we assume that there is no cap on the number of students to be served, the state would actually be allocating about $346 per student. In 2007, before gifted services became a part of our state’s definition of basic education, when only about 2/3rds of districts offered services, and primarily to students in grades 3-6, the state allocated about $400 per student.

As we said at the beginning, there remain many more questions than answers.

(Edited on 3/27 to reflect new enrollment numbers from OSPI that showed 63,551 students receiving highly capable services in 2015-2016.)

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Washington promises a continuum of Highly Capable Program services K-12 to identified gifted students as part of basic education. These students can be found in school districts large and small, and across all demographic groups. Our districts seek to find and serve each of these students.

Inclusion in basic education has resulted in the identification and support of increasing numbers of gifted students from all backgrounds, particularly those from previously underserved populations. Yet districts continue to struggle to identify and serve all their eligible students due to a lack of adequate and equitable state funding.

Amid growing challenges—changing demographics, increasing diversity of the student population, and limited fiscal resources—addressing the needs of gifted students is a real issue. Underserved gifted students may include students who are already the focus of reform efforts: dropouts, students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and students who live in poverty. Research shows that between 18 percent and 25 percent of high school dropouts are identified as gifted. The majority of those students are from low-SES families and culturally and linguistically diverse groups.

Providing for the needs of gifted students is an important component of local school efforts. Using multiple measures to identify gifted and talented students and providing various strategies to meet their needs will go a long way toward helping these students excel academically (closing the achievement gap), stay in school (increasing the graduation rate and reducing the dropout rate), and be successful in their lives.

The direction and continuity of local gifted services and supports are heavily influenced by the strength of state policy initiatives and funding. Unfortunately, the state appropriation for the Highly Capable Program currently covers only about 15% of the actual costs to districts to provide this basic education service. We were very disappointed to see that the House budget proposal released today does nothing to remedy this.

In 2010, the Legislature created the Highly Capable Program Technical Working Group. Comprised of national and state experts on gifted education, the HCPTWG recommended the state increase funding to 5% of total student enrollment, and increase the number of hours of highly capable services funded to 6.5 hours per week in a class size of 15 for grades K-6 and 3.1 hours per week in a class size of 15 for grades 7-12. Funding the recommendations of the HCPTWG would be an important step towards ensuring equitable access to the state’s Highly Capable Program. Continuing to stand by an obsolete and inequitable formula and claiming to have met their obligation, as the House budget proposal did today, is not acceptable.

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We want to move forward, so it’s ‘win or go home’ time for Highly Capable.

Yes, we know this at least the third time in about a week that we are asking you to step up and take action. But that is the way things go in advocacy — long periods of no action followed by periods of intense activity. When (not if, since you will flood the committee with messages) we get through this committee, there will be other committees and then a debate on the floor so we will be asking a lot of you in a short period of time. If we want to move forward in the legislative process, we need everyone involved now.

SB 5922, the Highly Capable Program funding bill, is scheduled for a public hearing before the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Committee on Thursday, February 19 at 8 am.

The Coalition, Northwest Gifted Child Association (NWGCA) and Washington Association of Educators of the Talented and Gifted (WAETAG) as well as others will be testifying before the committee.

We want to flood committee members with messages in favor of this much needed bill in order to influence them to pass it in executive session, which may occur as early as Thursday afternoon.


Our last message asked you to contact committee members. If you haven’t done it before, do it now! If you already have, do it again. Do it today!

Contact the Senators listed below (all of them) and tell them “It is time for the entire Legislature to have a serious conversation about Highly Capable Program funding. Please pass SB 5922 out of committee so the conversation can continue.” If you are resident in the district of a member, tell them that too. Contact them through their e-mails, their office numbers of by calling the Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000.

Legislators tend to ignore identical messages, so please paraphrase our suggestion in order to get your message heard.

Tell your friends to take action. Time is short so prompt action is vital.

Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee

Senator Phone E-Mail
Litzow, Steve (R) (360) 786-7641 Steve.Litzow@leg.wa.gov
Dammeier, Bruce (R) (360) 786-7648 Bruce.Dammeier@leg.wa.gov
Vice Chair
McAuliffe, Rosemary (D) (360) 786-7600 Rosemary.McAuliffe@leg.wa.gov
Ranking Member
Billig, Andy (D) (360) 786-7604 Andy.Billig@leg.wa.gov
Fain, Joe (R) (360) 786-7692 Joe.Fain@leg.wa.gov
Hill, Andy (R) (360) 786-7672 Andy.Hill@leg.wa.gov
Mullet, Mark (D) (360) 786-7608 Mark.Mullet@leg.wa.gov
Rivers, Ann (R) (360) 786-7634 Ann.Rivers@leg.wa.gov
Rolfes, Christine (D) (360) 786-7644 Christine.Rolfes@leg.wa.gov

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We expect SB 5922 to receive a hearing before the end of this week. Members of the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee will then vote to decide if the bill will advance for further consideration. Have you made sure that they know how you want them to vote?



Help us in our journey to make this bill a law.

Below we’ve listed the members of the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee. We need you to contact them and urge them to vote the bill out of committee.  Your message can be brief, but it is vital that the members of the committee hear from you. If one of the Senators represents you, your involvement in the process is even more important.

Time for you to act is running out. Someone’s voice will be heard. Will it be yours?

“It is time for the entire Legislature to have a serious conversation about Highly Capable Program funding. Please pass this bill out of committee so the conversation can continue.”

Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee

Senator Phone E-Mail
Litzow, Steve (R) (360) 786-7641 Steve.Litzow@leg.wa.gov
Dammeier, Bruce (R) (360) 786-7648 Bruce.Dammeier@leg.wa.gov
Vice Chair
McAuliffe, Rosemary (D) (360) 786-7600 Rosemary.McAuliffe@leg.wa.gov
Ranking Member
Billig, Andy (D) (360) 786-7604 Andy.Billig@leg.wa.gov
Fain, Joe (R) (360) 786-7692 Joe.Fain@leg.wa.gov
Hill, Andy (R) (360) 786-7672 Andy.Hill@leg.wa.gov
Mullet, Mark (D) (360) 786-7608 Mark.Mullet@leg.wa.gov
Rivers, Ann (R) (360) 786-7634 Ann.Rivers@leg.wa.gov
Rolfes, Christine (D) (360) 786-7644 Christine.Rolfes@leg.wa.gov

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